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Creating your first DID


This feature is currently in the experimental stage of development. Do not use it in production environments or presume it is secure. Expect breaking changes.

The first time you visit, your browser will automatically generate a new MDIP Wallet. The keys and all information contained in an MDIP wallet are only available on the client-side. The screen below shows a blank MDIP wallet:

New MDIP Keymaster Wallet

An MDIP wallet may contain multiple Agent DIDs, or identities. Each DID can be registered on a registry of the user's choice. Local-only and Hyperswarm global DID distribution are available, along with an upcoming list of immutable ledgers like Bitcoin and many others.


The MDIP Wallet above now contains 1 Agent DID nicknamed "Bob". Once a DID is created, numerous new Keymaster wallet functions become available:

  1. IDENTITIES: Users can create new Agent DIDs, backup/recover and/or remove undesired Identities.
  2. DIDS: Users can manage nicknames to known DIDs. Can be used to name any type of DIDs (agent, asset, groups, etc).
  3. GROUPS: Manage groups of DIDs. Create groups of any types of DIDs. Note: Groups are public.
  4. SCHEMAS: Manage JSON schemas to be used for attesting credentials. Note: Schemas are public and reusable.
  5. CREDENTIALS: Users can issue credential schemas to an agent DID, and accept credentials with the option to view & decrypt prior to acceptance.
  6. AUTH: Create and/or respond to MDIP authentication challenges. The web UI only supports DID validation at this time.
  7. WALLET: Wallet-level backup and restore methods. Seen phrase, upload/download, or in-network backups are available.