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Working with Wallets


The Keychain CLI wallet is only to be used for experimental and development purposes.

The Keychain CLI wallet is not encrypted and is stored on the local user's file system. Future MDIP wallets will implement additional capabilities (ex: SIWYS). 3rd party wallet developers will also be invited to create MDIP-compatible user wallet implementations.

What is a Wallet?

The wallet contains a user's private data, including secret keys and associated DIDs. The Keychain-CLI wallet also includes a user's locally named alias for each identity DID.

Creating a Wallet

Creating a wallet generates a unique seed that is used to derive a hierarchical-deterministic key-pair. This key-pair will be used to generate new unique key-pairs for each future DID generated using this wallet:


kc create-wallet does nothing when you already have a wallet, like the one created by create-id.

$ kc create-wallet
"seed": {
"mnemonic": "P6f40acil4qA1oIHhoK_qNfBPjvdiTn8djxLtcIGMmu5ojQ0g-fAGLLn33Ix5TavvQTzvc6kXax509bQBZZiXjb7ibTToGyUn0oPeBvSV0RcvHOSXWRmATqIqd7dpQrdXqWAwVuxeQ3vy95e2NU",
"hdkey": {
"xpriv": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2x2kGfQ7tgaVHZYQkQVQKbuHgQ4wG7qjfsBoMQD35Ly6rupdEDED1ZBWKtRGWnjwcf9Wxbyvwn4idCPe1kayCrBoLAp8Hvb",
"xpub": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFS7DNgw8FpXDqbNu9sDFgpptUnUYpTNiYfWwtwXHd9HaiD1pEfLtMGVBKpCR9D6Vtriqkv7co4W72stnzpLdxPRmuLWJUHS"
"counter": 0,
"ids": {}

Use the command show-wallet to view the contents of your wallet; initially, the wallet is empty, but we will see private content added to the wallet as we create MDIP identities and operations:

$ kc show-wallet
"seed": {
"mnemonic": "BeSI1tnY5TtWweCdEHESV98MXc8CUCu0pFNZ1tLR-0XaP9PvtCcbcUrGfwwIy4qakOkL0hT88xl4Ko3SXbL3U6pEBY4rcROqEwnUuKUN2z9Dx4nKGNz29SDy1GaLV14NbYc1AEa01TEULJr1xzD5",
"hdkey": {
"xpriv": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3MtcqnFrvMQKXVjV37BpYtZo47Vpy9xt44godPRrhcHgrejDPhBCnBk2K8z6CRzPGMDmeDmQGeuDsFwkmE14mrTEv4R33xy",
"xpub": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFqy5wonsHVM45XZySZufv7VPrVuSXVVrvs1xAvk7FQcAhxLja5tXXhAv3nPqqftr3E7TmfbUKRXohhHb53N7AiN1iQvwa8p"
"counter": 0,
"ids": {}

Backing Up and Recovering a Wallet

To recover a wallet from a backup, you need two pieces of information:

  • the seed phrase, aka mnemonic,
  • the backup DID.

The mnemonic consists of 12 short words (BIP-39) that are used to generate the wallet's private keys:

$ kc show-mnemonic
know soon mind pen polar pulse patient salmon wage friend equip rotate

Creating a wallet backup encrypts the current state of a user wallet content in a DID Document:

$ kc backup-wallet

If you lose the wallet file, you can regenerate the private keys from the mnemonic:

$ kc import-wallet "know soon mind pen polar pulse patient salmon wage friend equip rotate"
"seed": {
"mnemonic": "8PnD0nzyjd9TphttasCFXg_HNDntYdQlx_JHG6Y8K-U7nZUmkxeB4BLYv8xA9af-r6OChSul1Lp6gRPve7qnU_pOVTOE9c7qew-X7Nv_Vd6by-3IxI03ryHkgNjNTOxHlA6iae0D9wA6sFak",
"hdkey": {
"xpriv": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K4Yd3NBDr5kALF4foaGBbiocmBv9UuMeet9urHgi1LKaB51ud1SrRtfxhtbRTxjjTQMQei1BewYnBVnu3Wp5G13Ab768K7qF",
"xpub": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcH2hWUCkrSt74o6WHyiuT62YMzJZ6ThBdkxEzqE2Ft7tevKxzKH4xLdXpUqd32whgcTE3TJTmCgJYqoXvXn6sdaEsWAUCBbZ"
"counter": 0,
"ids": {}

Once a wallet's keys are recreated from the mnemonic, you can recover its contents from a backup DID generated using the backup process above:

$ kc recover-wallet did:mdip:z3v8AuaXcTg74E4nWXDkX3wtZXjGjvp55z7QYixWSUHyG89qFTy
"seed": {
"mnemonic": "P6f40acil4qA1oIHhoK_qNfBPjvdiTn8djxLtcIGMmu5ojQ0g-fAGLLn33Ix5TavvQTzvc6kXax509bQBZZiXjb7ibTToGyUn0oPeBvSV0RcvHOSXWRmATqIqd7dpQrdXqWAwVuxeQ3vy95e2NU",
"hdkey": {
"xpriv": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2x2kGfQ7tgaVHZYQkQVQKbuHgQ4wG7qjfsBoMQD35Ly6rupdEDED1ZBWKtRGWnjwcf9Wxbyvwn4idCPe1kayCrBoLAp8Hvb",
"xpub": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcFS7DNgw8FpXDqbNu9sDFgpptUnUYpTNiYfWwtwXHd9HaiD1pEfLtMGVBKpCR9D6Vtriqkv7co4W72stnzpLdxPRmuLWJUHS"
"counter": 1,
"ids": {
"extropy": {
"did": "did:mdip:test:z3v8AuaiyHqG3KMpcoBoqvUpMrtCsGsu8iPU1oTEfcsUNxtGyt4",
"account": 0,
"index": 0
"current": "extropy"

You can also run kc recover-wallet Without specifying a backup DID, and kc will choose the most recent backup.

recover-wallet does not overwrite the existing wallet, it only prints the contents of the backup. The output should be redirected to a temporary wallet.json file, which can then be copied over the existing wallet in the ./data folder.

Do not redirect or pipe the output directly to the existing wallet.json file, which will cause an error.